ChatGPT Minesweeper
Time: 0
How to play:
- Left click to reveal a cell.
- Right click to flag a cell as a mine.
- Left click on a revealed cell with all neighboring mines flagged to reveal all neighboring cells.
- Win the game by revealing all non-mine cells.
- Lose the game by revealing a mine cell.
- Use the level buttons to start a new game at a different difficulty level.
Playing tips:
- Try to use the fewest number of flags possible to win the game.
- If you're unsure about a cell, leave it un-revealed. It's better to be safe than sorry!
- Pay attention to the numbers on revealed cells. They indicate the number of mines in the surrounding 8 cells.
- Use the numbers to your advantage and make deductions about the location of mines in the grid.
- Use the timer to challenge yourself and try to beat your best time.